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[XBOXONE/360] Dark Souls II 『Topic Ufficiale』...o pensavate di non morire più?

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  • One Eye

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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Le maschere che indossano gli assassini nel trailer fanno pensare a quella di porcellana indossata da Ciaran (anche se la sua e' particolare rispetto alle altre.... lo dice nella descrizione). Stesso discorso per le armi: sono in dual wield con i pugnali proprio come Ciaran.

Militari di Gwin capitanati da Ciaran?

Pallino Joe

Pallino Joe

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Le maschere che indossano gli assassini nel trailer fanno pensare a quella di porcellana indossata da Ciaran (anche se la sua e' particolare rispetto alle altre.... lo dice nella descrizione). Stesso discorso per le armi: sono in dual wield con i pugnali proprio come Ciaran.

Militari di Gwin capitanati da Ciaran?

Tutto può chi è Ciaran? :asd: Tranquilli,sono andato a vedere chi fosse costui..lo si incontra nel DLC,mistero risolto! Ma se così fosse,il giochillo lo ambienterei in un'epoca precedente ai fattacci di Sua Maestà 1...oppure Gwyn è ormai morto e queste nuove Forze Oscure vengono capitanate dal suddetto Ciaran...chissà chissà. Sempre in ambito Trailer,non so perchè ma io ci vedo unnonsochè di "Guerrieri del Sole" :sese:

Modificata da Pallino Joe, 12 December 2012 - 12:27 PM.


  • One Eye

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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Tutto può chi è Ciaran? :asd: Tranquilli,sono andato a vedere chi fosse costui..lo si incontra nel DLC,mistero risolto! Ma se così fosse,il giochillo lo ambienterei in un'epoca precedente ai fattacci di Sua Maestà 1...oppure Gwyn è ormai morto e queste nuove Forze Oscure vengono capitanate dal suddetto Ciaran...chissà chissà. Sempre in ambito Trailer,non so perchè ma io ci vedo unnonsochè di "Guerrieri del Sole" :sese:

L'ipotesi che circola e' che si tratti di un prequel.

Pallino Joe

Pallino Joe

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L'ipotesi che circola e' che si tratti di un prequel.

Mmmm come ipotizzavo all'inizio quindi...beh,l'idea non mi dispiacerebbe sinceramente :sese:

Pallino Joe

Pallino Joe

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Un pò di Opinions (dubbi...certezze...paure...) da Joystiq...

The real danger in Dark Souls 2 is not 'accessibility'

This is a column by Kat Bailey dedicated to the analysis of the once beloved Japanese RPG sub-genre. Tune in every Wednesday for thoughts on white-haired villains, giant robots, Infinity+1 swords, and everything else the wonderful world of JRPGs has to offer.

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It was only four years ago that From Software's "Souls" series couldn't even find a publisher in the US. It was roundly dismissed by Sony Computer Entertainment America for being too difficult, seemingly dooming it to the status of import gem and not much more. Then Atlus got it at a pittance, saw it sell dozens of times more units than they could have ever expected, and the hounds descended upon what was suddenly a profitable property.

It was a cult hit. It had currency among the so-called hardcore gamer. Other publishers simply had to have it. In the end, it was Namco Bandai that came away with the right to publish more From Software titles in the series across multiple platforms, thanks to the minor name change from Demon's Souls to Dark Souls.

Fast-forward to 2012, and Dark Souls 2 has enough cachet to warrant a debut trailer at the Spike Video Game Awards. Namco Bandai is cashing in on the success of Dark Souls and fans have a bona fide franchise on their hands.

Of course, if anyone knows franchises, it's Namco Bandai. This is the company that owns Gundam – a franchise that has gotten two video game adaptations per year since 1986 – as well as a slew of other prominent anime properties. It's the same outfit that puts out a new "Tales of" game every single year (sometimes more than one), to say nothing of what they've done to Soul Calibur and Tekken. Namco Bandai is an old hand at this, to say the least.

Developer From Software, meanwhile, is no stranger to franchises. This is the studio, after all, that is responsible for Armored Core, which has seen the release of many, many full-priced expansion packs over the years. From Software isn't afraid to be quirky (see: Metal Wolf Chaos), but they know where the money is. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to churn out Dark Souls games for as long as the series remains popular.

So now we're getting the third "Souls" game in five years. Not quite an annual franchise, but From Software is certainly putting these games out at a good clip. Series director Hidetaka Miyazaki is out, with Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura taking his place. Shibuya has said that Dark Souls 2 will be "more straightforward and more understandable," which has resulted in a wave of hand-wringing among franchise fanatics.
The fear, I think, is that Dark Souls 2 is moving toward appeasing mainstream audiences and losing some of what made it so special in the first place. It's a valid concern, especially considering the venue the game was announced at. But being more straight-forward is not a bad thing. Both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, if you'll recall, featured some pretty obtuse level design (screw Blighttown, seriously). There's a middle ground that can be reached here.

What actually worries me is the fact that Dark Souls just keeps getting bigger and bigger. In noting Shibuya's comment about accessibility, Edge indirectly gave voice to those fears by suggesting that "we can surely agree that we would all like to see Dark Souls attain as great a presence as The Elder Scrolls."

Well no. Not really.

This isn't a matter of "it's cool, now it sucks." It's more that I prefer a Dark Souls that isn't bound by the expectations that follow a massive AAA venture like Elder Scrolls. I also don't want to see Dark Souls dramatically overreach and become something akin to the Tales series. Remember how the Tales games used to be a charming cult hit? And remember how Namco Bandai tried to turn it into the next Final Fantasy? I don't want that.

See what originally drew me to Dark Souls was not its setpieces, or its graphics, or anything else that is typically associated with a "AAA" franchise. What originally drew me to Demon's Souls were the emotions that it was capable of generating in me. I would turn a corner and see an incredible castle in the distance. Or maybe a massive boss five times as powerful that I couldn't even stay on my feet while fighting him. With each challenge I managed to overcome, I felt a rush of triumph and excitement. Will a series that is essentially mass-produced be able to retain that same emotional impact? I don't know.
I will say that I like what I see from Dark Souls 2 so far. The trailer was excellent; though, if it's anything like the original Dark Souls, it will likely have little bearing on the actual game (but who knows?). Perusing the screenshots, I was pleased by both the scale of the architecture and the foreboding sense of mystery. It certainly looks right. I suppose it remains to be seen whether it plays right.

I guess all I want from Dark Souls 2 is for it not to fall prey to the temptation of being "a franchise," even as From Software keeps pushing out more sequels. If From Software ever thinks to itself: "This would be a neat idea, but it'll be too hard or confusing," then everything is lost. If it ever thinks: "How can we make this more epic?" We're lost. And if it thinks: "Hey, let's be like Elder Scrolls," well, you get the point.

The good news is that From Software has always marched more or less to the beat of its own drum. It may not always make good games, but it does make interesting games. Even the half-baked Steel Battalion was interesting in its own right. So long as From retains that sense of self and avoids trying to be something it isn't, I think Dark Souls 2 will be all right.


  • One Eye

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 3168

Un pò di Opinions (dubbi...certezze...paure...) da Joystiq...

Dark Souls 2 will be "more straightforward and more understandable,"

Quando leggo questa cosa sento un brivido di terrore.
Non so ma io ci vedo gia' mappe e gps integrati, con tanto di quest da completare. In questo caso appiattirebbero il brand in linea con tutta la roba per lesi che circola.
Seguire una quest line decreterebbe la fine di Souls. Mi viene sempre in mente the witcher 2.....
carino per carita' ma l'idea di giocarlo piu' di una volta mi fa scendere il latte alle ginocchia........ dialoghi, dialoghi everywere.

Un gioco, in questa gen, non ti tratta da incapace..... vogliamo davvero sputtanarlo per vendere qualche copia in piu'?
Speriamo di no.

Pallino Joe

Pallino Joe

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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Dark Souls 2 will be "more straightforward and more understandable,"

Quando leggo questa cosa sento un brivido di terrore.
Non so ma io ci vedo gia' mappe e gps integrati, con tanto di quest da completare. In questo caso appiattirebbero il brand in linea con tutta la roba per lesi che circola.
Seguire una quest line decreterebbe la fine di Souls. Mi viene sempre in mente the witcher 2.....
carino per carita' ma l'idea di giocarlo piu' di una volta mi fa scendere il latte alle ginocchia........ dialoghi, dialoghi everywere.

Un gioco, in questa gen, non ti tratta da incapace..... vogliamo davvero sputtanarlo per vendere qualche copia in piu'?
Speriamo di no.

In effetti frasi del genere "terrorizzano l'Occidente"...però metti che lo straightforward/understandable riguardi solo la trama..non è mica detto che ci ritroveremo la mappetta del posto e decine di personaggi secondari che ti chiedono di andare a prendere quattro pellicce di lupo o ad uccidere il capo dei banditi rifugiatosi in una caverna dall'altra parte del mondo...magari alcune vicende saranno più limpide da capire rispetto ad adesso..perchè ammettiamolo,certe sottotrame di D.Souls1,senza wiki,sono davvero incomprensibili : tipo Logan agli Archivi o appunto Solaire...come caspiterina fai a capire che non devi proseguire per Lost Izalith,ma tornare indietro per sbloccare la shortcut...per quanto mi riguarda io mi fermerei a questi ritocchini E BASTA.Tutto il resto è e deve rimanere così com'è,anche se ovviamente non ci troveremo tra le mani un gioco IDENTICO a questo,solo col numero 2 vicino. Ad ogni modo continuo ad avere fiducia in From Software : leggendo i vari commenti sparsi per la rete,c'è davvero troppa gente che li sta "minacciando" (si fa per dire eh,si tratta pur sempre di un videogame) se solo si azzardano a snaturarlo con delle pacchianate assurde...e hanno solo pubblicato un trailer ed alcune dichiarazioni d'intenzione,figurati nei mesi a seguire...certo,ci sono anche quelli che esultano,che lo vogliono su WiiU,che vogliono il selettore di difficoltà etc ma no dai,i FS secondo me non sono dei cretini e daranno molta importanza ai feedback degli utenti Hardcore (se vogliamo chiamarli così) :sese:

Zio Snake

Zio Snake
  • It's all in the reflexes

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Tranquilli...secondo le ultime indiscrezioni pare che From stia optando per un Combat System basato su dei comodissimi QTE che utilizzano ben 6 tasti del pad.

Pallino Joe

Pallino Joe

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Non apro lo spoiler perchè so già che lo Zio è un burlone... :asd: QTE?? Ecco il cambiamento che tutti si aspettano siiiiii :hail:


  • One Eye

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
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Tranquilli...secondo le ultime indiscrezioni pare che From stia optando per Combat System basato su dei comodissimi QTE che utilizzano ben 6 tasti del pad.


Ci tocca invadere le abitazioni dei Developers in quel caso Zio. Di notte!! Armati armati di coltellini svizzeri ........ del Chaos XD

Pallino Joe

Pallino Joe

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Articolo da Forbes

Will 'Dark Souls 2' Be A Prequel Or A Sequel?

The Dark Souls 2 trailer contradicts itself when it claims that you are an
undead “forever without light.” What does it mean?

So there’s been much debate and speculation over whether Dark Souls 2 will be a prequel or a sequel to the events in the original Dark Souls.
The trailer has some clues that could point in either direction. For instance, the narration in the trailer
says that you are “forever without light” which is a pretty clear nod to the Age of Dark, the eventual outcome whether or not you choose the Dark Lord ending or link the bonfires. Eventually, we know, the fire will fade and the Age of Dark will begin.
So it’s possible that the game is a sequel, set sometime in the future in a time “forever without light” or hope.

That being said, there’s pretty clearly both light and fire in the trailer. In scenes where we stare out at what I presume to be the back side of Anor Londo (a portion of the city we see but never visit in Dark Souls) the sky is the same color as the perpetual sunset over Anor Londo in the first game.
Meanwhile, there’s scenes of lava rivers that don’t look much like Lost Izalith, but that certainly point to a time when fire still exists in the world. So, the Age of Fire may not yet be over in Dark Souls 2, meaning this could very easily be a prequel rather than a sequel.
My latest theory is that it’s neither. The handful of dragons, the illusory sunset over Anor Londo, the last molten gasps of the Age of Fire, the onset of darkness and the flight of hope from the world—these are all things going on in the original Dark Souls. This is a description of the game in the present, neither after nor before the events that transpire in the first Dark Souls.

In other words, judging solely by this trailer alone, it seems likely that the second Souls game takes place at the same time as the first, only not in Lordran but in some other land or wilderness. Perhaps it is a journey toward the dying city of the gods, or perhaps it is some other story entirely that simply takes place during the same moment of despair.
This, I think, could open the doors wide for all sorts of new information while not explaining the outcome of either game any better and while leaving the more distant past still shrouded in mystery, though perhaps less so as we uncover new clues and lore in our ongoing archaeological expedition into this digital heart of darkness.
Also, I like this trailer. I think the music is just fine. I do wonder where my beloved shields are, though.

Modificata da Pallino Joe, 14 December 2012 - 12:02 PM.

Pallino Joe

Pallino Joe

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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Intervista a Nicholas Stroinski by GameZilla

The composition of the music for the trailer is very difficult" - an interview with Nicholas Stroinski, co-founder of the first trailer Dark Souls 2

Stroiński Nicholas has composed music for many famous movies and television shows, and now for the first time used his talent for the computer game.

Immagine inserita

Nicholas Stroiński a film composer living in Los Angeles. Music for films, serials and TV programs created over the years, also for the Polish production - recently even the series "paradox" of Boguslaw Linda and "No Secrets" on HBO. Two-time finalist and winner of the festival Transatlantic competition MocArty RMF FM. Recently, the composer of the music for trailers game - Dark Souls 2 was revealed at the VGA awards ceremony in 2012 and from geeks bought this cycle.

Who has ever seen - let him see. I mainly listen to.

So far mainly dealt with Mr. composing music for film and TV series. How did it happen that the team signed up Namco Bandai to ask for scoring trailer for Dark Souls 2?

Nicholas Stroiński: We received me Blur Studio, which was responsible for the implementation of the project. This was a result of my previous film trailers, as well as the work that has twice nominated me for the composer year Transatlantic Festival in Poznan. They were impressed.

How to create the music for the trailer? Composer gets a storyboard and must choose the sounds to the climate? It is free in his work, and the publisher decides on the details?

The composition of the music for the trailer is very difficult. On the one hand, the work must be "gigantic" and on the other accentuate the many details that often occur every few frames. It's a bit like building a big building with a microscope. Great weight should be given to the quality of the production.

In the case of Dark Souls 2 received an animation at a very early stage, with a few details of the texture and content of the film. In addition, guidelines for the music - the first part was supposed to be dark and a little scary, and the other with a stronger power, a little on the basis of alternative rock. Every day, I received a new copy of the film with an increasing amount of visual detail, which had to interact with music. The directions were very detailed and flowed both from the client and from the same image. I know a few trailers composition formulas, tricks and impressive effects - important in order to achieve the effect of downturn in the audience at the end of the jaw when he sees the name of the product. To that effect works the most.

How do you describe your game creators? Suggests inspirations may have betrayed something more about the second edition of the game?

In addition to the initial animation got a lot of screenshots from the game to further inspire me. I must admit that I got when they saw salivation. I knew it would be a game in the style of Dungeon & Dragons and the first part is well known for its high level of difficulty.

You met people from the studio creating Dark Souls, From Software that is? What have these people, because of the pleasure abusing a player?

Unfortunately, no. My immediate supervisor was a Blur studio.

Where did this "chant" in the trailer? Puts chills on the back.

Vocal was from the beginning the most important to the customer. I could probably use the samples, but compositionally restrict me in a way that I would have to make under their dictation. In order to avoid this and make a better impression at the same time, I started looking for contractors. It was also difficult, as it was the week of Thanksgiving, during which the city are empty because people are leaving the cities and it is not easy to find someone to session.At the beginning of recorded great Aubrey Ashburn, known among others Dragon Age, Dragon Age 2, Devil May Cry 4, won many awards. She recorded a beautiful, angelic vocals, unfortunately its previous commitments prevented the amendments, which I had made, so we had to find another person. And I found - Kyler England, my friend from Berklee College Of Music, whose voice resembles that of course is not in the trailer, although it is very beautiful.This color is the result of (again) the manufacturer's guidelines to voice sounded as if from the dead. To achieve this effect, it has managed appropriately, then the audio processed in the studio.

Trailer is one thing and whether we can expect that you will also have input into the music in the game? The first collaboration came out very promising.

I was hired to trailer. For now. Let's see if it will bring more fruit.

Game you in the game? First of all - if you even played the final moment in Dark Souls, looking for inspiration for the soundtrack trailer for the second part?

I love the game - started from the ZX Spectrum in the '80s, then came the Commodore 128 (I felt better than all the guys who had a 64-ke!) And finally the PC. Games accompany me so from an early age, and I am pleased to be in an industry where I can play the game for a long time, and when the wife looks at me with contempt, tell her, "Honey, I'm doing research." He admits, however, that I missed out on Dark Souls, because for the last year I had a lot on his head and his private life and professional life. Catch up.

Expect to see more music in trailerach Nicholas Stroiński games? Sincerely wish you and ourselves!

Sure it is.

Modificata da Pallino Joe, 15 December 2012 - 10:55 AM.


  • Ryūjin no ken o kurae!

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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Finito dark souls. Gioco stupendo.

Questo lo prenderò al day one sicuramente :sisi:

ora che ci penso, una cosa che potrebbero aggiungere sono gli enigmi, ci starebbero benissimo imho.

Modificata da Verdena, 15 December 2012 - 12:16 PM.

Pallino Joe

Pallino Joe

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From EDGE Magazine
Ci sarà da aspettare ragazzi,a quanto sembra...

Dark Souls 2 a direct sequel to first title, may not make 2013

Dark Souls 2 is featured in the latest issue of Edge Magazine, in which the magazine was shown a 10-minute playthrough of the game.

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According to the article, the From Software title’s graphics are comparable to Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs and Star Wars 1313, and is a direct sequel to the first title. The world will be around the same size as Dark Souls, but the contents will be more “dense.”

The game does not take place on Lordran, but the name of the game world will be revealed at a later date as it is the “key” to the story.

As noted previously, the game will not be directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki but by Another Century’s Episode developers Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura instead.

The decision was based on given the game a fresh take, and also due to Miyazaki currently heading another project. Miyazaki will instead be supervising the development, and was the one who suggested the game contain server-based gameplay.

Shibuya plans to make the Covenant system “clearer and more accessible,” include a Morality system, and a story with less subtly containing hidden elements therein along with the world at large.

He also believes his previous development experience will enhance the game’s action.

Dark Souls 2 is 25% complete, as development started in September 2011. While the team working on it is much larger in size due to the world creation staff almost doubling, it still may not see a 2013 release.

Modificata da Pallino Joe, 16 December 2012 - 10:50 AM.


  • Ryūjin no ken o kurae!

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 10585
lo dicevo che era next gen :sisi:

comunque se ci mettono il graficone ed una bella trama, senza intaccare il gameplay, fanno il gioco definitivo.

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