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Death censura - Veloci come non mai, viaggiano le minacce di denuncia

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The Newser

The Newser
  • EyeFicionados Supreme

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Newser
  • Messaggi: : 189664

Death Censura.


Ieri abbiamo pubblicato un divertente articolo di Francesco Fossetti e dei suoi tentativi di attivare la copia del gioco arrivata in redazione.

Tale copia ci è stata inviata direttamente dalla software house italiana: ci hanno contattato loro per mandarci il gioco.

Sapevano benissimo cosa fosse (un sito ed un forum di informazione ludica) in quanto voraci follower del topic ufficiale del gioco sul forum dei beat'em up.


Nonostante gli sforzi di Francesco la procedura di attivazione è risultata praticamente impossibile da completare, vari disguidi, bug, patch ed email con l'assistenza non sono servite a nulla.

Una serie di incomprensioni tra chi ci ha mandato il gioco, ed il loro customer care (evidentemente non in contatto tra di loro) sarebbe alla base di questo malfunzionamento della nostra copia.


Tutto lo scambio di email indica chiaramente che la software house responsabile del gioco era pienamente consapevole del nostro ruolo, si parla esplicitamente di "copia per reviewer" cioè "copia per recensore".


Ci teniamo a sottolineare che "cediamo a questo ricatto" non perché abbiano anche solo un barlume di ragione, ma perché abbiamo capito che questo è il loro gioco:  la copia è stata mandata appositamente in quelle condizioni (cioè impossibile da attivare) per creare l'ennesimo caso mediatico, un'esposizione che il gioco decisamente non merita e che mai avrebbe ottenuto diversamente.


Alle telefonate ed alle email di minacce che abbiamo ricevuto, ci riserviamo (lunedì, prima cosa in mattinata) di  consultare i nostri legali per eventuali azioni da intraprendere.


La redazione sostiene Francesco Fossetti, il suo lavoro, e sottolinea la sua disponibilità a rimuovere l'articolo dal sito, nella sua totale tranquillità per quanto scritto, in nessun modo diffamatorio. 


Chiudiamo riportando  il post del responsabile della società che produce death ***** che "spiega" la loro strategia di "marketing" ed il loro modo di lavorare. è un sito serio fatto di persone serie che lavorano con tenacia realizzando un prodotto editoriale di qualità.

Non vogliamo immischiarci con situazioni che sono al limite del surreale, di una scorrettezza disarmante e che nella sostanza tolgono forza ed energia alle cose che davvero interessano ai nostri lettori.


Vi traduciamo solo il titolo del post apparso sul loro Facebook ufficiale, dice quasi tutto quello che serve sapere su questa storia:


"truffa? Questa è strategia di marketing di necro-censura!"




Hi everybody, I’m Giulio De Santi, President of the NecroCENSURA Company, and it’s time to share our little secret adv campaign that we have been doing for the last 2 years.
When we released Adam Chaplin, and we received the unexpected and awesome sales results, my friend Marco Viola, Director of Splattercontainer asked me in an interview why we didn’t dub our movie Taeter City in Italian.
In all honestly, we dubbed the movie in English just because we knew it would sell better. It was then I decided to try a “weird” marketing strategy. Considering the Italian sales were not good, it was my goal to increase them as well. I just took inspiration from Italian “tv talk shows” where the more politicians scream and throw out insults, the more people watch. So I released a very offensive interview, proclaiming that “we would never release a movie in Italian, and that this country sucks”. Of course the reaction was predictable: people were offended and started to insult and hate me, but weirdly the sales started to INCREASE at a rate of over 300%, with many satisfied and happy customers. We are talking about little numbers because Italian markets are almost dead, but that worked perfectly fine. Indeed we also released a special edition for the Italian market on Splattercontainer, and the customers are happier and have increased in size.
I thought then: let’s try this on a bigger scale on the worldwide sales.

-1When we decided to create Death CENSURA, we decided to create fake “mortal Kombat 9” fatalities to start getting views and attention from game players.
-2Then we started to create the game and started to follow the fan’s directive/suggestions, everything was fine but sometime delays and problem happened. We are a little company and this is our first game. When this happened we noticed an increase in the hype and exposure, and of course the hate that came with it. We decided then to release 4 gameplays, 7 betas, and STOP releasing video material all together. Doing this the hype rose, and people started to talk bad about the game: the more they talked negatively about the game, the buzz about the game grew.
-3When we finished creating the game and all fan’s suggestions were applied, we decided to release the game and put it on pre-order, without revealing video material. We have a total of 18,567 actual movie customers spread throughout the world. It doesn’t seem like much, but there are enough to allow us to live pretty well and continue producing movies. Now with this big community only 800 people pre-ordered the game, and very few were actual game fans.
-4. So we decided to put more gas on fire and adopt a more aggressive strategy: we contacted all our movie fans’ that bought the game, and we offered them a refund of 1/3 of the price if they didn’t reveal any material on web. They accepted, and not a single image or comment has been posted. Just few package pictures and a couple screens, really not much. People then began to start having doubts about the game.
-5 Then we experienced an unfortunate/fortunate set of issues, about 20 packages were blocked at customs so 20 customers didn’t receive their game. They obviously started to post comments, and of course we started to support them. This created and increased the doubts that the game was a scam, because only negative comments were available.
-6 We released only a few pics, delaying the trailer giving out the most absurd excuses and posting weird messages like “eastern eggs”, to increase the hype and the “WTF” feeling. When that happened the insults and hate started to arrive from new users. The more they insulted us, the more people purchased the game. The more that were blocked, the more comments and sales came in as a result.
-7 At that point, we released the digital edition and many users bought it. Then between the customers that bought it and also old users like Mikemetroid and his friends from TYM forum (that were obviously putting in doubts of the existence of this game on their forum). We decided then to refuse their money and not give them our game. Of course this created the chain reaction we were hoping for , they started to hate us along with hundreds of people. Masterblizak also joined some of the forums to keep the conversations going. In the end we had finally reached our goal: Yannic from Kotaku contacted us. Without this absurd situation he would never have contacted us and dealt with us, and written an article about a game that only 800 people bought
-8 We needed to continue playing the game by our rules. We started hassling everyone with legal action, we did the same with the most important forums, this obviously increased the hate and the hype at the same time. This was not enough. We needed to release the trailer. We promised that people who already had their game would release material…. but we contacted them and asked them to continue keeping everything a secret. In the end we unbanned all the “haters” and stopped removing their comments.
THE RESULT: We finally reached our sales goals, and the more people that came to insult us and offend us, the more we sold. We had soo many digital downloads that we also had problems with the file creation and the server uploading. THIS IS JUST AWESOME!!
My staff and I wanted to thank you all for this great support. All of you have been part of a big chess game, a few conscious players and many other unconscious players, but you all had a role in this game. We would like to immensely thank
- The 800 who pre-ordered for their secret help as well
-Thank to all the new 5134 customers
-Also a great thanks to the haters for their comments and awesome exposure.
-Thanks to all forums that insulted us and called us “thieves”

-Thanks to Yannic from Kotaku and his intentional help, he played his rule perfectly
-And of course the users that really had problem with their shipment
Without spending much on our end (refunding the 1/3 of initial packages, asking to not post material) we obtained about a ten thousand dollar adv campaign, and obtained more than 5000 extra in sales orders. Sure we suspect many people really hate us now, but this needed to get an otherwise unknown game to sell very well. We knew that this was very “niche” game and only splatter fans would appreciate it.

Giulio De Santi and Necrocensura Staff



Il nome del gioco e della software house sono censurati per non dare altri risultati utili su google: davvero vogliamo dare altra "pubblicità gratuita" a questa gente?

Noi crediamo di no.


  • RIP Sensei

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 123403

l'epicità fatta review.


  • Eye Supreme

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9134



edit: ma quindi ancora nessuno è riuscito a farlo funzionare? lol

Modificata da vval, 01 August 2014 - 03:10 PM.


  • Little Eye Fan

  • Stelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 196
Penso uno degli articoli più belli che abbia letto su queste pagine. Ti giuro che se riesco a procurarmente una versione funzionante ci faccio un video. Con tanto di intro.


  • What were the skies like when you were young?

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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  • Messaggi: : 24974

stupendo articolo per uno stupendo gioco


  • Eye Master

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 25158
Oddio ahahahahahahahahah grandissimo Fossetti :asd:


  • Eye Terminator

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Collaboratore Everyeye
  • Messaggi: : 8258
Francesco ti amo, ma questo lo sai già.

Non credo di aver mai letto niente di più epico, a parte forse il manuale di istruzioni del Mega Drive asiatico, ma questo è un altro discorso.


  • One Eye

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 3618
Date un "cargo" di medaglie a quest' uomo! :lol:


  • One Eye

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 3530
:megalol: epico


  • utente

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente
  • Messaggi: : 14869
Grazie per l'apprezzamento boyz :D


  • Eye Terminator

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Collaboratore Everyeye
  • Messaggi: : 8258

Grazie per l'apprezzamento boyz :D

La cosa positiva è che quando verrai arrestato per questa review potrò venirti a trovare senza dover fare troppa strada :D


  • ancora incasinato

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 29012
questa recensione entra di diritto fra le più belle di EE.

p.s.: mi scuso per il mio italiano cit.



  • One Eye

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 3279
Sicuramente massacrante farlo, ma dannatamente esilarante leggerlo! Complimenti XD

La cosa che comunque mi stava facendo cadere dalla sedia è la seguente


  • tagomagoeye

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: [Mod]Moderatore
  • Messaggi: : 61096

semplicemente capolavoro. Niente altro da dire! :applauso:


  • I was lightning before the thunder

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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  • Messaggi: : 34221

Oddio muoio :gad2:

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