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[PC] Dead Stateil fu Zombie RPG

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  • VI: Hammerfell

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186
Doublebear presenta:
Dead State

Genere: Survival/RPG a turni
Uscita prevista: 2012?
Sito ufficiale: link
FAQ: link

Note: basato sull'engine di Age of Decadence

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http://www.gamasutra...php?story=25008 (lead designer, ex Troika e Black Isle)

http://www.rockpaper...state-revealed/ (risalente a Agosto 2010)

Cito dalla sezione PC (traduzione a cura di Ragfox):

Noise (rumore):

Il rumore è uno degli elementi fondamentali di ZRPG: attira l'attenzione degli zombie presenti nell'area e quand'è abbastanza intenso può farne arrivare di nuovi. Il rumore gioca un ruolo importante nel bilanciamento tra combattimento a distanza e corpo a corpo; le armi da fuoco sono efficaci anche a distanza, ma sono anche molto, molto più rumorose delle armi da mischia.
Non sono solo le azioni/armi del PG a generare rumore: se un NPC nemico (umano) è più rumoroso del PG, gli zombie saranno attratti da lui. Anche certi oggetti possono essere usati per condurre gli zombie contro i nemici.

Il rumore si affievolisce al termine di ogni round di combattimento: se la fonte del rumore sparisce, il rumore presente nell'area diminuisce con il tempo. Inoltre gli zombie (e l'IA umana) sono attratti verso il luogo da cui proviene il rumore, non dalla persona che l'ha generato. Di conseguenza, se il PG riesce a mantenersi al di fuori del loro campo visivo, i suoi nemici potrebbero non essere in grado di individuarlo. In questo caso, e in assenza di nuovi rumori, gli zombie (e i nemici umani) se ne andranno dopo qualche tempo.

Il rumore può anche essere usato come tattica. Il PG può piazzarsi in una posizione favorevole e poi richiamare gli zombie, oppure usare il rumore per farli uscire dagli edifici. Non bisogna però dimenticare che, se il rumore rimane troppo intenso per diversi round, la zona potrebbe riempirsi di zombie molto velocemente.

Antibiotics (antibiotici):

Nelle primissime fasi di gioco, il giocatore scopre che una dose quotidiana di antibiotici può contrastare gli effetti del morso di uno zombie (che solitamente uccide nel giro di tre giorni). Qualcuno penserà "Che sciocchezza! Gli antibiotici non funzionano sui virus (all'azione dei quali molti NPC attribuiscono la resurrezione degli zombie)". Ad ogni modo, gli antibiotici uccidono i batteri che approfittano del sistema immunitario indebolito; sono quindi molto "comodi" (a patto di averne una scorta sufficiente) perché impediscono che i compagni del PG si trasformino in zombie.

Gli antibiotici non si trovano dappertutto e sarà necessario cercarli in posti lontani o pericolosi. Le informazioni sull'efficacia di questi farmaci sono arrivate troppo tardi per evitare la catastrofe: non c'è stata nessuna corsa all'acquisto e quindi gli antibiotici possono essere trovati dove sono conservati di solito. Questo non significa che si tratti di oggetti poco rari e comunque non bastano per curare l'infezione.

Il vero dramma comincia quando le scorte iniziano a scarseggiare. Nel caso in cui ci siano più alleati che antibiotici, i compagni del PG se ne accorgeranno e ci si troverà a dover fronteggiare anche questo problema. Se il giocatore decide di non fare nulla, entro tre giorni sarà costretto a seppellire molti dei suoi ex-alleati. Alcuni giocatori potrebbero decidere di abbandonare gli infetti al loro destino; i loro congiunti, tuttavia difficilmente saranno contenti di questa soluzione poco brillante. Gli antibiotici, quindi, sono tutt'altro che una panacea e potrebbero addirittura generare nuovi problemi.

Gli antibiotici non funzionano in modalità Survival. Gli alleati che sono stati morsi muoiono dopo tre giorni e anche il PG può infettarsi.

The Shelter (il Rifugio)

Il Rifugio è un edificio fortificato che il PG usa come base operativa, per conservare le scorte e per tenere al sicuro gli alleati. All'inizio le funzioni e le difese del Rifugio saranno ridotte all'essenziale, ma potranno essere migliorate durante il gioco (con modalità che saranno rivelate in seguito). Al suo interno il PG non sarà completamente al sicuro, dal momento che le difese dovranno essere costantemente controllate. Anche i rifugiati dovranno essere tenuti sempre d'occhio, per evitare che gli istinti di sopravvivenza portino al collasso della piccola comunità del Rifugio.

Il Rifugio può anche attirare persone poco interessate ad unirsi al gruppo del PG. I rifugiati possono essere incaricati di avventurarsi all'esterno dell'edificio, sebbene molti cercheranno una scusa per non andare. Di tanto in tanto, la radio potrebbe ricevere delle richieste di soccorso o informazioni varie che forniranno al giocatore indicazioni sul mondo di gioco; il PG sarà libero di seguire o meno tali indicazioni.

Science Skill (Scienza)

L'abilità Scienza è da intendersi in termini generici: copre alcuni elementi di tecnologia, ma è focalizzata soprattutto su chimica e biologia. Per avere un'idea, si pensi a quella parte di L'armata delle tenebre in cui Ash crea della polvere da sparo grazie al libro di chimica che si trovava nella sua auto. Oppure alla serie Breaking Bad.

Certo, per affrontare uno zombie la gamba di un tavolo è meglio di una trappola di Rube Goldberg. Tuttavia, per mettere insieme un generatore di rumore, una specie di gas narcotizzante (il pericolo maggiore viene dagli umani), o semplicemente qualcosa che permetta all'intelletto di battere la mera forza bruta, beh, per tutto questo c'è Scienza. È stata in grado di renderci la vita più facile prima dell'apocalisse e di certo tornerà utile anche durante l'apocalisse. Alcuni upgrade devono la loro esistenza (o la loro semplicità d'uso) a questa abilità.

Nota bene: Scienza non porterà a scemenze assortite come creare robot o nuove specie di piante quali i Trifidi o assurdità simili. Se non altro, è un invito ad unire l'ingegnosità umana a solide basi di conoscenza scientifica. Alla luce di ciò, ci sarà anche chi ritiene che una simile conoscenza non debba essere solo usata, ma anche protetta ad ogni costo.

Mechanical Skill (Meccanica)

Se l'abilità Scienza è usata per creare nuove armi e armature, la Meccanica entra in gioco quando si migliorano armi già esistenti o si espandono delle strutture. Chimica e biologia sono il cuore della Scienza; ingegneria e meccanica applicata rientrano nell'ambito generale della Meccanica. Per migliorare alcune zone chiave del Rifugio, il PG (o uno dei suoi alleati) dovrà avere il necessario know-how in Meccanica. L'abilità sarà utile anche per la manutenzione di quei macchinari che, tenuti in buone condizioni, aiuteranno a mantenere alta la qualità della vita all'interno del Rifugio.

La Meccanica ha anche altre applicazioni che possono fare la differenza tra la vita e la morte e tra il successo e il fallimento di una sortita. Scassinare una serratura, ad esempio, è possibile solo se l'abilità Meccanica è uguale o superiore al valore di complessità della serratura. Perché scassinare una serratura? Beh, non che non sia possibile sfondare le porte, ma abbatterle in questo modo significa fare rumore e gli zombie sono attratti dal rumore. Scassinare una porta la apre più rapidamente e senza troppo clamore e permette al PG e ai suoi alleati di entrare negli edifici senza preoccuparsi di avere poi una torma di non-morti che li aspetta di fuori. Anche le casseforti, per quanto piuttosto rare, possono essere aperte con Meccanica. (Si consideri, comunque, che ciò che un tempo aveva molto valore, durante l'apocalisse potrebbe servire a poco).

Meccanica ha inoltre alcuni impieghi alternativi associati ad aspetti del sistema di gioco che non sono stati ancora descritti. Tuttavia, come tutte le abilità, ogni livello guadagnato porta con sé dei benefici per il PG. Se si desidera costruire, mantenere, migliorare manufatti ed entrare negli edifici senza dare nell'occhio, sarà bene investire i punti abilità in Meccanica.

Monday Design Update 10/11 - Random Design

I don’t know how many people replay games – I often don’t – but I do know that I like knowing that a game isn’t always going to offer the same exact experience to everyone or that it won’t always offer the same experience to players who liked it enough to give it a second go. Player decisions and character builds are one way we can change the experience, but one thing that seems to be missing from a lot of games is randomization. Some games will do this with maps, but very few do this with events. Today I thought we would cover a few ways that Dead State changes things up so that even the best FAQ can’t always prepare you for what’s in store.

In Dead State, there are multiple ways we randomize the events of the game outside of just reacting to player choice or from resource shortfalls. On our area map, for instance, some locations for allies and resources are randomized at the start of the game. You may never even find some of these locations on your first playthrough or you may discover them much later than your first playthrough/friend’s playthrough. Everyone will have the chance to discover these locations – we always spawn them – but prior knowledge of these events won’t make finding them any easier. Some locations/allies will always be in the same place, so you’ll somewhat of an advantage when playing a second time, but not for everything.

We also randomize some events. For example, in one game you might meet someone who tries to hold you up for your loot, claiming you’re surrounded by their friends. In one game, they might be bluffing, and in one they might actually not. There are a few events like this. There are also some allies you might not realize are allies on your first playthrough, and some allies that may behave differently than expected the second time… And, of course, zombie bites aren’t 100% infectious, so your infected ally population may vary game to game.

One of the other ways your game might change due to pure chance is from random events that hit the shelter itself. Don’t want to spoil too many of these, but I will give one example of how this works. Illness is one such random event that can strike allies. It’s a very real possibility, given the circumstances of the world and the exposure to unsanitary conditions. When an ally gets sick (which won’t happen often) they will ask to be taken off the active roster that day. The player might need them – you were going to raid an enemy position today! – but forcing them to work or fight when they’re already fighting a cold can be asking a lot of them. You may opt to give them the day off – but you’re now short one active member. You may push them into service – but it will sour their mood toward you. You may use your negotiation skill to make them more loyal for the day off – but you’re still short one active member. Or you may use strong leadership to make them feel like they are a necessary component of your operation – but you’re going to have to have pumped some major points into this skill. Illness can be annoying when it hits an ally or two, but it can be pretty devastating when a serious illness starts to spread around the shelter. IF that happens, it would be a bit more inconvenient…

All in all, we’re pretty sure your “story” of the zombie apocalypse is going to be a completely different experience than everyone else’s. Of course, when you find/lose people, how you approach other survivor groups, what direction you travel, how you balance food and morale, and what you ultimately decide to do for major events in the game will have a large impact on your experience too. Oh, and difficulty - survival mode changing the rules a bit. You know, you may want to play this game more than once.

Immagini & Video:

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  • VI: Hammerfell

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186


  • VI: Hammerfell

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186
Era già stato segnalato tempo addietro e ora si becca il thread ufficiale.
A breve sara' completo.


  • RIP Sensei

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 123401
ci credi davvero che a breve sarà comlpeto? :D


  • VI: Hammerfell

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186
Intendevo il thread. :asd:
Manca ancora parecchio materiale.


  • RIP Sensei

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 123401
aaaaaaaaaaaaah oki XD


  • VI: Hammerfell

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186
Thread aggiornato con un bel po' di info.
Appena posso, le traduco. :asd:


  • cry me a river

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 14212
questi sono gli ex-Black Isle Studios , vero ?


  • VI: Hammerfell

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186

questi sono gli ex-Black Isle Studios , vero ?

Non proprio : P.
Molto più semplicemente, gran parte del team è composto da vari ex-Black Isles, ex-Troika, ex-Obsidian e via dicendo.


  • VI: Hammerfell

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  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186
Toppato anche questo in lista Thread Ufficiali.


  • VI: Hammerfell

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186
Intervista a Brian:


  • VI: Hammerfell

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186
Pare che anche Doublebear stia prendendo in considerazione Kickstarter.
3/19 Monday Design Update - Kickstarting a Kickstarter Discussion

First off, apologies to everyone about the lack of updates lately. As is the case for many small projects without much in the way of funding, life and side projects/jobs get in the way of production… which is to say, not much was happening for a few months. But, in the last few weeks, the team has refocused their efforts and our build is finally seeing regular updates again. Our dedication to the project restored, it kinds of brings us to an interesting dilemma – how do we keep the project going full-speed while still being able to pay for development essentials like electricity, software licenses, and beer?

Let’s backup to an internal conversation from a few months ago. Some of us were keeping an eye on this newfangled Kickstarter service that was featuring more and more interesting projects all the time. While there were a few games on there, nothing was really pulling in the money needed for an RPG with a 10+ person team. We were pretty sold on the possibilities, but ultimately it came down to whether or not we thought we had the game in a state where we’d be comfortable asking people to fund our continued development. The reality of the situation was that it was not quite where it needed to be yet, so we put those plans on hold.

Unfortunately, this kind of led to a period where everyone had to take on second jobs/contract work, which naturally resulted in less time being put into Dead State. And one of the worst things that can happen in a creative project is losing momentum, which is what we’ve spent the last few weeks gaining back. And in that time, there’s been kind of an explosion in the realm of crowdsourcing. There is now both an awareness and excitement over the possibilities, and some pretty big projects (way higher than our budget) getting funded through Kickstarter. I’m not so sure it’s “the future” yet and I expect Kickstarter fatigue to set in as every short-on-cash dev tries their luck at the crowdsourcing game. The last thing we want to do is look like a “me too” project trying to ride the gamer goldrush (dolla dolla bill, y’all!) – but I expect that there are going to be quite a few projects that have no such hang-ups.

I still don’t think we’re quite ready for a Kickstarter launch, but we’re starting to head in that direction. I think putting a bit of distance between any possible launch and the massive projects being funded right now is probably a smart move, though I’m not a bizdev guy, so who knows. While we toil away on the latest Dead State builds and features, I would like to open up the discussion to you, the potential supporter - let’s kickstart a Kickstarter discussion. Here’s what we would like to know:

-We’re planning on showing off some of the gameplay we think represents the game. What would you like to see most to feel confident about contributing to the game? (Please don’t describe a fully complete game.)

-When would you want Dead State out by at the latest? (Keep in mind, no amount of money can make 10 people do the work of 25.)

-What kind of rewards would you like to see and for how much? (For example, higher level sponsorship might get your portrait done up as a zombie or non-ally NPC featured in the game.)

-How often would you want to see updates and what would you like us to showcase? (Again, keep in mind, doing updates takes time out of our schedule.)

We still want to bring you the zombie survival RPG experience we set out to do from day one, but in order to get it done in a reasonable time frame, it’s no longer going to be possible without a way to sustain full-time development – your feedback would help shape our plans quite a bit. Thanks for your continued support and interest - let’s see if we can make 2012 a great year for Dead State!


  • VI: Hammerfell

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186
3/26 Monday Design Update - Kickstarter Discussion Update!

Hey guys! Welcome to another exciting forum update, this time by Annie, the other designer on Dead State (SEE, I'M NOT DEAD). We wanted to let you know how much we appreciated your feedback and suggestions about Dead State's future Kickstarter, and wanted to update you on what ideas we'd collected from your input.

FIRST: what you want to see. We got basically:

- "Show us videos of the main systems of the game, with basic voiceover explaining what they are, what they do, and what role they play in the overall scheme of Dead State." WE CAN TOTALLY DO THIS AND IT IS A SOLID CALL. We're thinking a little chatter about the dialogue system, combat, the Shelter and its upgrades, and an example Crisis Event. Sound pretty solid?

- "Say a little more about yourselves as devs." This we'll do our best to put together. We'll try rustling up one of those video-camera things and making a short video about who we are, what Dead State is, and why we could use your help. We can't guarantee you the highest production values (thanks a lot for setting the bar so high, Double Fine! /shakesfist) (just kidding, I love those guys), or that it'll be hilarious, but it'll be honest and direct and will hopefully get across why we love Dead State, and why you should too.

- "Say when you expect the game to be out." Whew. Got a lot of people saying "NOW" on this one, but thankfully that was followed by things like "lol" and then more realistic estimates. We've been working with the team to nail down a much more specific timeline we feel is achievable without making our fans /tableflip or even be /disgruntled. From what I saw, a lot of estimates were right on the money, so hopefully we'll put a number out there that'll make everybody happy.

- "Update [the site/the forums/general stuff] more often. Like, twice a month." We can totally do this. And sorry for the radio silence previously! Things were brewing. Good things, like the Age of Decadence beta, and plans for this. The point is, MESSAGE RECEIVED, we'll be a lot better at updates. Totally reasonable request.

SECOND: what you want to GET from the Kickstarter. This one is a bit more involved:

- "Boxed copy." OK - gonna tackle this one first, since we heard a lot of it. We absolutely understand why people want this, and heck, I love getting boxed versions of stuff FOR REAL, but the sad thing is that this is something we very likely can't pull off, because when we thought about it, stuff steamrolled in the following fashion:
OK, so we need to put the game on probably a huge bunch of DVDs. We gotta find a place that does that.
Well, now that we got the DVDs, we need to label them. Um... what place makes labels for DVDs? And will hopefully label these ones? Yikes, and we gotta get a graphic together for that...
OK, we've got the DVDs labeled. Now we need to either get a DVD case (with a printed graphic for it) or a box for them to go in. I think people want the box more, but then we need to design a box, find a place that prints boxes, and will sleeve the DVDs and pack them in the boxes so they don't get smacked around during shipping.
Aw, nuts, if we've got a box and a DVD, we'll need a manual. Time to get together a physical manual design, get THAT printed out, and put in the box with all the other stuff...
OK WE GOT ALL THAT. Now we just need to put the game in the box... in ANOTHER BOX... and mail it out to everyone. Now it seems like our first copy is going out to... South Africa. And shipping on that is... like... twenty five dollars. Oh my god. /dead
SO. When we mentally walked through that process, we got scared and kind of cried a little bit. We could attempt to get all that underway, but sadly it'd be so expensive that we'd have to make it a major tier contribution item, which would probably make a lot of people on the lower tiers really upset. I know there are other Kickstarter projects - like Double Fine Adventure and Wasteland 2 - that are offering physical copies, but Double Fine and InXile are larger companies who have released printed copies of games before, and they have the connections and deals in place to do so. For smaller teams, this isn't really an option - Stoic, the team behind The Banner Saga, isn't offering boxed versions, for example - and though it broke our collective hearts, we decided in the end that a boxed version wasn't something we'd be able to do. (We WILL be offering a DRM-free version, though!)


- "Pre-purchase." But of course! We'll absolutely have that. That is a thing we will do.

- "Special 'Supporter of Dead State' forum tags." That's a great flippin idea! We're still working with our admin to figure out if this is possible and how we'd do it, but we definitely love it and will pursue that possibility.

- "Personalized zombie/character portrait." Definitely. This will be higher tier and limited, of course, so our hardworking artist Kim doesn't go crazy or murder us, but this is assuredly something we're planning on.

- "Additional writing." It made Brian blush sheepishly a bit when so many people requested more of his writing, but dammed if there weren't a whole lot of you doing so. We'll make it happen. (and be "we" I mean he'll write, and I'll make him do so)

- "Additional content." Definitely interest for a prequel type game (and no, not the "day at the office" kind of game that Brian joked about in forum updates past, but a real episode with a similar style of gameplay to Dead State itself, which will come out after the game is finished and will only initially be available to the Kickstarter contributors) We'll be putting together plans for something like that and telling you a little more about it in the final Kickstarter reveal.

- "Personalized items in game." Definitely a high-tier option, but we absolutely have plans to offer this kind of incentive to fans. It's a big deal to many to have something important to them included in a game (just ask any game developer who snuck a cameo of one of their pets into something they've worked on), and we want to offer options for that WITHOUT totally inundating the game with them. We'll have several intriguing options open in this regard.

- "Party with the devs." We were a little surprised to see this come up, but hey, why not? I can't promise you adventure, I can't promise you excitement, but I sure as heck can promise you hangouts. If hangouts with Brian and I is what you crave, I think we can arrange that, if the price is right. (...And imagine I just said that in a way that doesn't make us sound like whores.) [And we can't promise alcohol, according to Kickstarter rules, so be sure to get drunk before you get here - Brian]

Now - that isn't the entirety of what we're planning, but I wanted to get the key elements there so you know your voices have been heard. It's a hectic time for everyone on Dead State right now, but we're all really excited about moving forward with this Kickstarter thing, and hopefully you guys are too. We'll continue to keep you posted with the latest developments, and when at last we go live with it, of course we'll let you know.

Thanks again so much for your feedback, and posts, and being an amazing community in general. If the zombie apocalypse ever DOES happen, I can't think of a better crew to get stranded with. (Especially because a lot of you are apparently survival experts, and have guns.) Feel free to post questions/concerns/ideas here and we will get back to you about them. Thanks!


  • VI: Hammerfell

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186
4/2 Monday Design Update - Shelter Upgrades First Look

As we continue to work towards our Kickstarter presentation, we thought we would show off some new screens of the game to whet your appetite. Today we’re showing off a few of the many upgrades the player can make to their shelter. Take a minute to look at and compare the pictures of the unaltered and transformed shelter:

Immagine inserita

You’ll notice a few changes between the two sets of pics. In the first one, you’ll notice that the only protection the school has is a flimsy chain-link fence. This is going to prove to become a liability as zombies or other humans start showing up and trying to take it down to get inside (which is game over), so it would be in your best interest to upgrade it to the reinforced fence, which is shown in the bottom pic. The reinforced fence ups the amount of damage the fence can take before it needs to be repaired, which makes it less of a daily concern.

You’ll also notice a watchtower in the second pic. The watchtower upgrade has two benefits. Every day it generates morale daily in the shelter by just being present. It also opens up a new job at the shelter – guard duty. When allies are posted to guard duty, they can intercept attacks earlier, which causes less damage to the fence per guard assigned. You’ll even notice an ally guard hanging out in there in the pic.

The final difference you might notice (aside from more people around) is the car. While the car is not an upgrade (it allows you to travel farther for fuel costs), there is a garage upgrade that is necessary to maintain your car or enhance it. Cars can become faster and more efficient with upgrades. Of course, you’re going to need a decent mechanic if you want your car to keep running.

We’ll be showing off more upgrades to the shelter in our Kickstarter presentation. Keep watching our board, Facebook, and website for more information on our Kickstarter launch and for new Dead State information. As always, feel free to leave feedback on what you’d like to see for our Kickstarter launch in the previous threads. We’re working hard to put together the launch and we can’t wait to show you the progress we’ve made. Thanks for all your helpful comments and support everybody!


  • VI: Hammerfell

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 9186

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