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Sondaggio: Dragon Age™ 2 『Topic Ufficiale』 (63 utenti che hanno votato)

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  1. voto 10 - capolavoro assoluto (2 voti [3.17%])

    Percentuale di voti: 3.17%

  2. voto 9 - quasi perfetto (13 voti [20.63%])

    Percentuale di voti: 20.63%

  3. Votato voto 8 - un must have per gli amanti del genere (17 voti [26.98%])

    Percentuale di voti: 26.98%

  4. Votato voto 7 - peccato, buon gioco ma con alcuni difetti (16 voti [25.40%])

    Percentuale di voti: 25.40%

  5. voto 6 - senza infamia e senza lode (9 voti [14.29%])

    Percentuale di voti: 14.29%

  6. voto 5 - dovevano fare di più (5 voti [7.94%])

    Percentuale di voti: 7.94%

  7. voto 4 o meno - niente da fare, bocciato (1 voti [1.59%])

    Percentuale di voti: 1.59%

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  • L'Adam è la Tela della Modificazione Genetica!

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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By EveryEye:
Dragon Age 2 Intervista [24/09/10]; Link
Dragon Age 2 Anteprima [22/08/2010]; Link
Dragon Age 2 First Look [19/07/2010]; Link
Dragon Age 2 Scheda Riassuntiva; Link
Dragon Age 2 Recensione; Link

Dragon Age 2 - Demo disponibile sul MarketPlace

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Dragon Age™ II Demo
* Release date: 22/02/2011
* Size: 1.98 GB

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Il mondo è in subbuglio. I Custodi Grigi sono ormai stati sconfitti e la Prole Oscura sta riprendendo il sopravvento in tutto il mondo. Come se non bastasse il regno di Ferelden è ormai in preda all’anarchia e nessuno sa come fermare l’avanzata delle forze del male. Abbandonando il sistema aperto del primo titolo, che permetteva di scegliere classe, sesso e razza del nostro alter ego, in Dragon Age 2 interpreteremo per forza un essere umano (maschio o femmina) di nome Hawke, che, all’inizio del gioco, sarà poco più di un semplice mendicante ma, con il proseguo della trama assurgerà a Campione e salvatore del mondo libero. Rimane, proprio come accade in Mass Effect la possibilità di modificare le caratteristiche fisiche del nostro eroe/eroina, così come le sue caratteristiche principali: forza, abilità magica, carisma, e via dicendo, il tutto ovviamente per esaltare al massimo i tratti distintivi della classe che andremo a interpretare. [...] Il producer ha voluto guidarci attraverso una sezione di gioco che si situa a dieci ore dall’inizio della vicenda, giocandola prima su console, poi su PC per mostrare le differenze di gameplay (ma anche di gestione del party e delle abilità da sviluppare) che caratterizzano le due versioni. Una delle idee più interessanti alla base di Dragon Age 2 è la narrazione non lineare che caratterizzerà tutta la vicenda di gioco. L’intera storia infatti, altro non è che un enorme flashback raccontato da vari personaggi a un’avvenente “Cacciatrice” desiderosa di scoprire dove si sia nascosto il mitico Campione che dieci anni prima aveva sconfitto la Prole Oscura.[...]

Il playtest si apre con il nostro eroe vestito di un’armatura scintillante, seguito da una maga (che poi scopriremo essere sua sorella) entrambi sicuri di se e pronti ai pericoli che li attendono. Appena imboccato un sentiero di montagna nelle terre selvagge veniamo attaccati da alcuni Orchi e possiamo finalmente vedere all’opera il sistema di combattimento, che, su Xbox 360, si mostra molto più reattivo rispetto al primo episodio, quasi con meccaniche da Hack ‘n Slash; i movimenti di entrambi i personaggi sono fluidi e i combattimenti risultano spettacolari e adrenalinici. Come nel gioco precedente abbiamo la possibilità di mettere in pausa il gioco per osservare il party e decidere il modo con cui impostare gli attacchi. Possiamo anche "switchare" da un eroe all’altro per prendere in mano direttamente le situazioni più spinose, ovviamente con tutte le variazioni del caso in tema di strategia. Dopo aver respinto un paio di orde assassine vediamo avvicinarci un enorme Arcidemone, ben al di la delle nostre forze, come se non bastasse, circondato da una legione di Orchi pronti a farci la pelle. In questo esatto istante un gigantesco drago plana da dietro una montagna e stermina senza troppi problemi i nostri nemici e si volta, minaccioso, verso di noi. A questo punto la narrazione si interrompe e scopriamo che l’intera vicenda era il frutto della fantasia di un Nano che aveva conosciuto il Campione molti anni prima e la Cacciatrice, dopo uno scambio di battute abbastanza aspro, si trova costretta a farsi raccontare tutta la storia da capo, questa volta senza fantasie in mezzo. A questo punto gli sviluppatori hanno preso in mano la versione PC e, dopo aver mostrato i nuovi alberi delle skill (che premiano più il potenziamento dei poteri già appresi più che l’occupazione di tutti gli slot disponibili con decine di incantesimi che magari non useremo mai), finalmente possiamo scoprire com’è andata la vicenda nella realtà. Hawke e sua sorella, prima di tutto, non erano soli, ma al loro seguito c’erano anche un cavaliere templare e sua moglie, la madre del protagonista e il suo fratello minore. Le armature scintillanti sono sparite e, al loro posto, troviamo cenci e armi decisamente sottodimensionate, il gruppo è stanco e sta camminando da molti giorni nelle Terre Selvagge, senza cibo né acqua, alla totale mercé della Prole Oscura.[...]

Limited Bioware Signature Edition
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Edizione dell'atteso Dragon Age II che offrirà dei contenuti bonus totalmente gratis a chi effettuerà il preorder del titolo prima dell'11 Gennaio 2010! Contenente:

* Un codice per il download di un personaggio e di una missione bonus
* Soundtrack scaricabile
* Un'armeria in-game, con armi e armature esclusive

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  • L'Adam è la Tela della Modificazione Genetica!

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente
  • Messaggi: : 5520
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Any ship approaching Kirkwall will first see the cliffs – the “wall” that the city is named for – from many miles off. This sheer cliff is made of the same black stone that the city was built on, a pantheon of vile guardians representing the Old Gods carved into its face. Over the years the Chantry has effaced many of these profane sentinels, but it is next to impossible to destroy them all.

A channel has been carved into this cliff, allowing ships to sail through a dark corridor with sheer walls hundreds of feet high into the city’s interior. Flanking either side of this channel are the “twins of Kirkwall”, two massive bronze statues that are present for more than show: the city sits next to the narrowest point of the Waking Sea, and a massive chain net can be erected between the statues and the lighthouse on the nearest outcropping of rock that marks the edge of the narrow navigable lane. This stranglehold on sea traffic is jealously guarded by the ever-changing rulers of the city for the wealth of tolls, taxes and extortions it has allowed; the transitory politics of Kirkwall are as brutal and treacherous as the sea currents below.

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Everyone who is anyone in Kirkwall lives in Hightown, and they give little thought to what goes on in Lowtown other than to complain when the wind drags up the stench from its foundries or ancient mines. People in Hightown feel safe, not because the city's walls are impregnable, but because an invader would need to scale the stairs from Lowtown in order to reach them. Many bloody battles have been fought on those narrow stairs, and in several wars Hightown has held out for months after Lowtown was taken. The wealthy often forget, however, that those stairs are also their only escape.

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A newcomer to the city of Kirkwall will find Lowtown a vast maze of shantytowns and labyrinthine corridors, all clustered around the busy man-made harbor. Lowtown is literally a pit where the slaves were once quartered, but residents comfort themselves with the thought that as poor off as they are, they are still not the worst in Kirkwall. That honor belongs to those who have descended into "Darktown", the nickname given to the truly desperate who have taken refuge in the city's sewer tunnels.

Deep Roads
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The Deep Roads are a dwarven built network of tunnels that joined the underground cities together. However, the darkspawn rule the Deep Roads now. Every dwarf who ventures out into the deep roads and makes it back says that it gets worse with each passing year, the foulness spreading a little further.

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Statues of tortured slaves fill the Gallows courtyard, a ghastly memento of Kirkwall's history. The statues are not monuments to the suffering of slaves. Every inch and angle of the courtyard was designed by magisters bent on breaking the spirit of newcomers. Executions here took place daily, sometimes hourly, and corpses were hung from gibbets throughout the yard. New slaves trudging in from the docks saw what awaited them.

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Kirkwall is guarded by mountains to its north, the tallest of which is Sundermount. The mountain has a fearsome reputation. Legend says it was the site of a vicious battle where both sides unleashed horrors into the waking world, and unholy creatures prowl the heights to this very day, unaware that the war for which they were summoned is long since over.

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Queste enormi creature simil ragno possedendo quattro gambe massicce possono muoversi con sorprendente rapidità. Sputando veleno corrosivo e capaci di lunghi salti per braccare la propria preda queste creature sono micidiali guardiani, spesso associati alla perduta antica cultura degli Elfi Arlathan.

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The most intelligent of the Darkspawn become gifted sorcerers, with many abilities akin to blood magic. These are called 'emissaries' because of their rumored ability to speak, though they negotiate no more than others of their kind. They are usually seen on the surface only during a Blight, but any who venture far enough into the Deep Roads will encounter them at any time... and will regret doing so.

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Taller than their genlock cousins, the hurlocks are roughly of human-size but are possessed of considerable strength and constitution. During a Blight they will often be found on the surface in large numbers, each equipped with crude armor that is often assumed to have been scavenged, though there is some evidence to suggest they also build and repair their own weapons. The darkspawn are a living plague, and the black ichor that leaks out of a hurlock's eyes onto it's pale face makes this fact plainly apparent.

Rock Wraith
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Dwarven legends tell of dwarves so corrupt that even the Stone rejects them. Doomed to wander the deep roads in an undying half-life, these creatures are known as Rock Wraiths, and they are creatures of hunger, wrath and little more. While it's commonly held that Rock Wraiths are myths, every so often a survivor, often half mad, staggers from the deep roads whispering of living rock assembling itself into a twisted shape shifting parody of a humanoid creature, and of baleful eyes glowing in the dark.


  • L'Adam è la Tela della Modificazione Genetica!

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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  • L'inverno sta arrivando...

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Mages in Dragon Age II deal in raw power, whether sapping, bestowing, or inflicting it. They have incredible tactical potential, a fact underscored by how doggedly they are hunted by the Templars. Versatile and devastating, an apostate mage lives a dangerous life in Kirkwall, but he or she is more than capable of handling the risk posed by the over-tasked authorities.

Mages can all but destroy an enemy’s ability to fight. Slowing, weakening, disenchanting—once they know a weakness, they can turn the most dangerous opponent into a helpless target.

Alternately, Mages can turn their teammates into an unstoppable force by healing, adding elemental damage to weapons, and seemingly altering time in the party’s favor with Haste. Both Warriors and Rogues can benefit from having a Mage at their backs.

But perhaps the main reason Mages are feared is that they command the battlefield with incredible area-of-effect damage. Enemies who are not incapacitated or countered with empowered allies are simply obliterated. All of the classes in Dragon Age II are masters in their own discipline, but it’s Mages who truly leave the earth scorched in their wake.


  • Force Mage: All mage specializations manipulate energy, but Force Mages revel in it. A specialization popular in Kirkwall, they focus only on the raw application of magic, in all its vicious glory—maelstroms that draw opponents, ethereal weight that crush and slow, or great waves that throw enemies about like ragdolls. Targets not to be toyed with are simply slammed into the ground, as though pummeled by a great fist. And in their mastery of such damage, Force Mages can make themselves all but immune to similar attacks, an ability that hints at the true discipline they must maintain. After all, unsubtle doesn’t mean unsophisticated—the Force Mage specialization requires uncommon precision to keep such overwhelming power under control.
  • Spirit Healer: Spirit Healers focus on restoration, not destruction. They know that the best way to win a battle is to keep themselves and their allies in the fight as long as possible. They are the mages most likely to be accepted—or at least tolerated—by common people, and yet templars fear them as much or more than the damage-focused specializations. No other mages so directly draw their power from the beneficial spirits of the Fade. It’s a risk, but the rewards are undeniable. Removing injuries, granting resilience to wounds, even rescuing comrades from the brink of death—these are not support abilities, they are the core of any effective party. Any fool can cause harm, but no amount of muscle can make a weapon heal.
  • Blood Mage: Nothing inspires as much wild-eyed terror as the Blood Mage. Mages of this type take the raw energy of life and twist it to their own purposes. They can corrupt and control, and sustain their power by consuming the health of others, willing or not. The effects can be vile, but this specialization isn’t limited to madmen and monsters. Many see it as the only form of magic that is truly free, because it’s tied to the physical, not favors to spirits or demons. It remains an undeniably violent and self-destructive discipline, however, and the Blood Mage must be careful. The temptation to take just a little more is always there.



A rogue fights with precision. Whether unleashing a torrent of arrows at range, or landing cut after devastating cut up close, these deadly combatants focus on a single target and dismantle it with deadly efficiency.

As an archer, a rogue’s mobility is his or her greatest asset. Able to leap clear of combat with ease, the rogue can easily evade single pursuers. Foes hoping to close will often find themselves pinned in place by an expertly placed arrow through the leg. Should the situation grow more dire, careful distraction and well practiced evasion techniques let the rogue sneak clear of groups, letting foes turn their attentions to the heavily armored warriors.

Armed with dual daggers, a rogue focuses more on positioning, and teaming up with warriors and mages to deal out maximum damage while enemies are either distracted or disabled. Acrobatic strikes lacerate foes, often leaving them bleeding out and steadily weakening, while the rogue smoothly slips behind for a devastating backstab.

Rogues focus on dexterity and cunning, a combination that trades power for precision. Critical hits are the bread and butter of the rogue, and they have many abilities that can increase the odds of landing one. These attributes also lead to a solid defense, making the rogue a difficult opponent to hit, which is critical for a class that typically lacks the strength to wear heavier armors.


  • Assassin: Assassins do not simply end lives. Anyone can kill. Accidents can kill. But sometimes it’s not just the death that matters—it’s the means and the message. Assassins remove problems with surgical precision as efficiently as possible. They hit where and when it hurts most, exposing vulnerabilities that allow others to do the same. For the Assassin, cold calculation matters more than raw speed or ferocity, and each victory can improve the odds of success in the next. This specialization has been raised to an art form in Antiva, but its raw utility has ensured that it knows no borders. Where there are people, there are both clients and targets.
  • Duelist: The Duelist commands battle like a craftsman. Many rogues are adept at destroying enemies, but Duelists want challenge as well as victory. To them, combat is a proving ground where mettle is tested and mastery is proven. Unlike their stealthier counterparts, followers of this specialization will often announce their intent, inviting attention with bravado and insult. And while few can close as quickly or strike as decisively, Duelists can also choose to match targets parry for parry, extending or ending the battle as they see fit. To face a Duelist is to face a master of blade or bow—it’s an opportunity to be grateful for, however briefly they allow it to last.
  • Shadow: When a blade finds its mark despite all precaution, or an arrow kills from out of nowhere, that’s the unmistakable work of a Shadow. While certainly capable of standing toe to toe, rogues of this specialization prefer to flank and surprise, taking any and every advantage. Opponents rarely know how their defences have failed, and Shadows have no interest in enlightening them. From the simplest misdirection to the most complex decoy, Shadows rob opponents of certainty, and are never more dangerous than when seemingly face to face with the enemy. To battle a Shadow is to be uncertain that you faced one at all.



The most physical of the classes in Dragon Age 2, a warrior is at his or her best when surrounded by foes, keeping their attention with powerful swings while allies wreak havoc in relative safety.

At the heart of a warrior’s fighting style is the choice of weapons. Staunch defenders will gravitate to mixing one handed weapons (be it axe, mace or blade) with a shield, taking advantage of the extra protection offered by interposing a wall of wood or steel between themselves and their foes. More offensive warriors gravitate to the larger two-handed weapons such as the greatsword or maul. What they sacrifice in defense, they make up for in damage potential, as the mighty arcs of their blades can easily hit multiple foes at once.

Warriors are not as constrained around their weapon choice as they were previously, however. A wide variety of their abilities are weapon-agnostic, such as the stunning pommel strike. Various offensive and defensive stances—such as Might, Control and Turn the Blade-- can assumed regardless of weapon, and depending on the needs of the current encounter. Warriors are also the only class that can actively gain the hate of multiple foes at once, controlling the flow of battle and keeping their more fragile teammates alive.


  • Reaver: Life is power. Blood Mages know this, but they are not the only ones. Warriors can also command the energy that flows through blood and bone, but it is not an easy path. The Reaver specialization trades pain for strength in a constant balance of selfish sacrifice. At first it seems that Reavers are doing the work of their enemies, damaging themselves in gruesome fashion. But Reavers can transform their own living essence into raw damage, and then replenish that health by stealing the life from their foes. It’s a dangerous gamble that counts on added strength to destroy enemies before incoming attacks or the Reavers’ own abilities kill them. At its best, the Reaver specialization results in a brutal harmony. The closer they are to their own deaths, the more efficient they are at inflicting the same on others.
  • Templar: It takes incredible focus to wield magic, but even greater will to withstand it. The Templar specialization originated in the Chantry with the establishment of the order, and their mandate remains the restriction and containment of mages. But the abilities Templars command are not divine; they are the product of intense training and rigorous devotions. These are achievable by any warrior, although the discipline required may seem just as much a calling. Templars don’t just endure magic, they deny it, and deny others the use of it. At the height of ability, a Templar simply shrugs off most harmful effects, and can completely suppress a mage’s ability to cast. They are warriors of singular focus, and none can match their dedication or effectiveness at taming those who would abuse the magical energies of the Fade.
  • Berserker: All warriors command respect, but the Berserker is an unrelenting physical force. The name of this specialization suggests rage, risk-taking, and that is certainly part of its effectiveness, but it would be a grave mistake to suggest that the Berserker is sloppy or undisciplined. It takes an incredible amount of control to know when to lose control. Battle momentum is the key: finding the balance between total commitment and over extending. The Berserker controls the pace of combat, setting a standard that the enemy can’t match. In turn, they can be sustained by the mayhem they produce, and find new energy in every fallen foe. While they stand, while stamina remains, they have no match, but they can’t stand back and let battle unfold. For the Berserker, battle always ends in glory, win or lose.


Hari Array

Hari Array
  • Countdown

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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  • Messaggi: : 4039
Bellissimo thread.. :applauso:

Speriamo che ci mostrino preso qualcosa di sostanzioso, sta passando troppo in sordina..


  • ancora incasinato

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  • Messaggi: : 29012
Ottimo Lavoro, Splinter :applauso:

p.s.: unico neo, il pulsante sulla scheda è errato ;)


  • L'Adam è la Tela della Modificazione Genetica!

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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Grande Splinterfly!! :applauso:

Non vedo l'ora di seguire il topic :dribble:... e di saperne di piu!!

Grazie ^_^

Bellissimo thread.. :applauso:

Speriamo che ci mostrino preso qualcosa di sostanzioso, sta passando troppo in sordina..

E purtroppo si sa ancora poco, 2 città e un mostro.

Ottimo Lavoro, Splinter :applauso:

p.s.: unico neo, il pulsante sulla scheda è errato ;)


Bellissimo topic ;)

Attendo un sacco questo seguito, ma ho una paura folle del risultato finale visto lo stravolgimento del gameplay

Io penso proprio di prenderlo per pc dove, se non ho capito male, il gameplay degli scontri rimarrà come il primo, in isometrica.


  • ancora incasinato

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CLoUD x360x

CLoUD x360x
  • Daje un po'!

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Ho provato a prenotare la Signature Edition al GS, pero' non era ancora presente sul loro terminale.
Qualcuno è riuscito a prenotarla da loro?


  • Normal Eye Fan

  • StellettaStelletta
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  • Messaggi: : 341
mi associo alla domanda di cloud, è possibile prenotare la signature in qualche store italiano o si può solo dal loro sito?

CLoUD x360x

CLoUD x360x
  • Daje un po'!

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  • Messaggi: : 4070
Ho fatto un salto al gs per prenotare la collector di dead space 2 e mentre ero li ho provato nuovamente con la collector di DA2
Avevano una versione SE (che potrebbe stare per signature edition) da 69 euro, ma secondo il tipo del negozio costava "poco" per essere una collector.
Sul sito di GS la signature la danno a 69 euro, pero' vedo che è l'unica versione esistente sul loro sito...


qua dice di prenotarla entro l'undici gennaio... boh...

Modificata da CLoUD x360x, 30 December 2010 - 12:49 PM.


  • Please stay legend.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 8987
Se prenoti la Signature Edition entro l'11 di gennaio la paghi come la standard. Affrettati perchè sembra essere un' edizione molto interessante: avere un personaggio in più in un gioco BioWare è tanta roba, inoltre le soundtrack sono sempre interessanti.
Io l'ho prenotata al GS.

Modificata da Asmodaeus, 30 December 2010 - 01:29 PM.


  • Please stay legend.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 8987

Io invece aspetto di prenderlo UK se è multi a 20euro oppure aspetto la goty... mi son rotto le bolas di pagare 70euro per un vg per poi doverne spendere altri 20 per i dlc... aspetto 6mesi e prendo la goty a 40euro con tutto :sisi:

Anche perchè se è un pg tipo zaed di ME2...

Secondo me è difficile che sia multi5, il primo DA non lo era così come i due Mass Effect. Riguardo al discorso GOTY dipende da che tipo di DLC rilasciano, se è tutta robetta tipo "il coso di pietra" e "la roba di Leliana" non varrebbe la pena IMHO, se uscissero espansioni spacca culi come Awakening invece dubito che 6 mesi di attesa basterebbero.
In ogni caso io morirei di hype e ritengo che Dragon Age offra abbastanza contenuti per valere il prezzo normale, aggiungici anche i contenuti gratis della Signature (con tutti i personaggi di DA puoi parlare approfonditamente quando e come ti pare grazie al cielo, non ci sono i sordo-muti di Mass Effect o le frasi di allontanamento tipo "Shepard, sto lavorando").

E diamoli alla BioWare questi soldi ricevuti a natale! :sisi:

Modificata da Asmodaeus, 30 December 2010 - 05:17 PM.


  • L'inverno sta arrivando...

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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  • Kept you waiting uh!

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
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Sun goes up, sun goes down. Sun goes up, sun goes down. Following BioWare‘s Open House media event, it is now known that Dragon Age II features a day/night toggle, accessible from Kirkwall’s city map. You can just insta-switch between day and night. So, does this feature sound useful or, instead, pour cold water all over your immersive, role-playing experience?

In pratica, tramite mappa della città di Kirkwall sarà possibile attivare il ciclo giorno/notte. Quindi niente ciclo completo, si entra nella mappa, e si attiva il giorno o notte ;)

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