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Grim Dawn『Topic Ufficiale』arpg, nonchè hack 'n slash !

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  • scatolette next gen? Superiori ai Pc di fascia Altissima.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 4798
Sono sorpreso che non ci sia un Thread / Thread Ufficiale su questo gran progetto che stanno portando avanti, anche dopo aver raccolto i fondi per il finanziamento, su Kickstarter :o Comunque partiamo :


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Genere : ARPG (Action Role Playing Game - praticamente un Hack 'n Slash, però Open World)
Developers : Crate Entertainment -
Data di Uscita : prevista per Agosto 2013

Sito Ufficiale :

Pagina su Kickstarter : http://www.kickstart...dawn?ref=search

Come già anticipato qua sopra, Grim Dawn è un ARPG ( Hack 'n Slash ) Open World, ambientato in un'epoca Vittoriana. I creatori di questo progetto sono gli stessi di Titan Quest, un altro Hack 'n Slash che di certo non si può non conoscere.

Con i fondi riscossi tramite Kickstarter ( 537,515 $ su 280,000 $ di Goal che avevano puntato ), i Devs introdurranno nuove chicche per tutti i gusti : nuovi dungeon, nuovi mostri, nuovi set di armor / weapons, nuovi boss, dungeon segreti sparsi per il mondo (e poppati randomicamente) , nuove story-line e fazioni, etc etc etc... Tutta la lista completa degli " obiettivi sbloccati " la potete trovare nella pagina di Kickstarter.

Il gioco offre tutte le basi dei tipici Hack 'n Slash e molto molto vicine a quelle dei primi Diablo (come si vedono in Titan Quest) : Sarà presente lo Skill Tree del nostro personaggio in modo da crearsi una Build che più ci aggrada, così come i vari Skill Points da mettere nei vari attributi (forza, agilità, etc etc).

Inoltre il gioco permetterà di scegliere una delle tante Fazioni che saranno presenti in game, ognuna con la propria Story Line da seguire. Completando le quest che gli NPC ci daranno, si aumenterà Positivamente l'influenza (no, non quella influenza :asd:) della Fazione, in questo modo si potrà accedere al mercante " speciale " che consentirà l'acquisto di vari pezzi di Armor, Weapons, etc etc., come ricompense. Ovviamente c'è anche la nota Negativa : le Fazioni in gioco hanno le proprie rivalità, quindi per ogni quest che si completa, ogni nemico che si uccide, etc etc.., la Fazione nemica prenderà più punti d'influenza negativi, quindi passando magari da Neutral a Hated.

Qui la lista di alcune Features :
  • Combine any of five distinct skill classes each with multiple skill trees in which to specialize. Advance your class mastery up to 75 levels to unlock dozens of powerful skills and synergistic modifiers. New classes will be periodically released through downloadable content.
  • Destructible environments give evidence of your massive battles while collapsing stonework and flying shards of furniture can be used tactically to cause further injury to your foes.
  • Dynamic Weather brings the world to life with region-specific climates and a variety of weather effects. A sunny day can cloud over with mild rainshowers that builds into a booming thunderstorm. Variable wind gusts blow grass and affect objects like windmills and window shutters.
  • Gameplay systems designed to expand for 200 levels of character progression, equipment, and enemies to fight makes for ridiculous amounts of replay value.
  • Connect with old friends or make new allies in glorious multiplayer. Specially balanced multiplayer encounters will put your teamwork to the ultimate challenge.
  • Collect blueprints that allow you to combine salvaged components into unique crafted items and then, later, use those basic crafted items with higher-tiered recipes to complete items of unprecedented badassness.
  • Camera rotation enhances the three-dimensionality of the world and gameplay while levels are still designed so that players are not forced to rotate the camera.
  • Refined loot system drops less junk items and ensures more consistent rewards from hero and boss monsters.
  • Satisfying enemy damage and death effects with an option to enable blood and gore.
  • New quest and conversation system will allow players to choose quest paths and rewards, interact with NPCs in more interesting ways, and an intuitive quest creation wizard will make life a lot easier for modders.
  • An NPC faction system lets the player improve their relations with different NPC groups to earn rewards as their favor increases such as merchant discounts, new items, and additional quest lines. However, aiding one faction could turn a rival faction into your enemy. Choose which side you will support!
  • The ability to spend money to reclaim skill and attribute points alleviates the fear and frustration of having to make early, uninformed decisions that could permanently nerf a character.
  • More features are in the works and will be announced as Grim Dawn nears release.

Alcuni video di Gameplay della versione Pre-Alpha dove fanno vedere anche 2 delle X classi ( Soldier e Occultist ) :

Per il resto, trovate proprio tutto tutto (screens, video, faq, etc etc), sulle varie pagine di Kickstarter e sito Ufficiale ! Il prezzo del gioco, se si vuole quello base base viene solo : 18 Dollari, circa 12 / 13 euro ! Se avete perso la campagna Kickstarter (che è stata tra Aprile e Maggio di quest'anno) vi consiglio vivamente di pre-ordinarlo dal sito !

Modificata da rD.Psygnosis, 15 April 2013 - 09:19 PM.


  • scatolette next gen? Superiori ai Pc di fascia Altissima.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 4798
Sneak-Peak di una delle tante Starting " Town " :

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Modificata da rD.Psygnosis, 20 October 2012 - 05:47 PM.


  • Cosa?

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 17210
Pledged, mothafucka.


  • Cosa?

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 17210

mi pareva proprio ci fosse il thread

imho pruning


  • scatolette next gen? Superiori ai Pc di fascia Altissima.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 4798

mi pareva proprio ci fosse il thread

magari è stato sotterrato :asd: negli ufficiali non c'è !


  • Dear sirs, my body is ready.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente
  • Messaggi: : 8431
Lo seguo da un po', avendo apprezzato parecchio Titan Quest :sisi:

Per ambientazione e struttura pare più fresco della concorrenza (che attualmente si riduce a D3 e Torch2), credo ne verrà fuori un titolo niente male :sese:


  • scatolette next gen? Superiori ai Pc di fascia Altissima.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 4798

Lo seguo da un po', avendo apprezzato parecchio Titan Quest :sisi:

Per ambientazione e struttura pare più fresco della concorrenza (che attualmente si riduce a D3 e Torch2), credo ne verrà fuori un titolo niente male :sese:

Almeno l'ambientazione e grafica è più " seriosa " / oscura degli altri Hack 'n Slash che son troppo fumettosi (Torchlight in primis), D3 invece è una via di mezzo... Titan Quest è il giusto, preferisco quello stile ! Poi basta vedere i gameplay della pre-alpha, fanno già venire la bava...

Contando quindi che tutto questo è una pre-alpha, sta già messo bene :sisi: Magari se ci fosse un modo per fare l'upgrade dell'acquisto, così mi becco pure la Beta appena disponibile...


  • Non siamo in grado di aiutarla in queste condizioni. steam'd

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 25645
Faceva parte di Indieye:


Copincollo il post di Hanamigi a mo' di scheda riassuntiva e creo un redirect a questo thread, ufficializzandolo.


  • Eye Supreme

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Utente Pro
  • Messaggi: : 10324
...finalmente un hack and slash serioso...staremo a vedere... :sisi:


  • scatolette next gen? Superiori ai Pc di fascia Altissima.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 4798

Cmq vi dimenticate tutti di Path of Exile

Anche PoE è un bel giochillo, ma a confronto con Grim Dawn proprio non può competere =P


  • scatolette next gen? Superiori ai Pc di fascia Altissima.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 4798

Parlo dello stile cupo e serioso sopratutto.. Come gioco GD non penso neanche esista una versione giocabile, quindi confronti sono impossibile

Beh dai video (e anche dagli screens) si vede che è proprio Grim, cupo e serioso :sisi:

Comunque se trovo un modo per fare l'upgrade al mio pledge, prendo la versione da tot dollari per avere l'alpha e beta, che molto probabilmente partiranno dall'anno prossimo, magari verso Maggio...


  • scatolette next gen? Superiori ai Pc di fascia Altissima.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 4798
Notizia dell'ultimo momento :

è in corso un Poll per scegliere una delle prime due Zone del gioco da allargare / espandere ! c'è ne sono un bel po' nella lista, con eventuale descrizione :sisi: se siete registrati al forum e/o avete fatto il Pledge su Kickstarter, andate a votare !

Io ho messo Railyard, le zone con i treni abbandonati, casermoni etc etc, mi gustano

link :

Modificata da rD.Psygnosis, 19 November 2012 - 11:08 PM.


  • scatolette next gen? Superiori ai Pc di fascia Altissima.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 4798
Per rompere un po' questo OT

Qualche screen di alcuni Unique Items (oggetti unici) che ci saranno, nelle pagine successive ci sono anche gli screens con le caratteristiche :

(too bad, ma non mi fa mettere le immagini qua :asd:)

Modificata da rD.Psygnosis, 21 November 2012 - 09:20 PM.


  • scatolette next gen? Superiori ai Pc di fascia Altissima.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 4798
Novità dal forum sullo stato attuale di Grim Dawn :

It seemed we were due for another big update on the overall progress of development. Now that we've hired up 4 additional full-time people and one part-time, we're making excellent progress. An amazing amount of work has occurred since the end of the KS, probably almost as much as the previous 2 years of development. Grim Dawn has grown both in terms of progress toward completion but also we've expanded content laterally and improved a lot of things.

The world redesign is one of the most obvious places where that has happened. In the map below, which only shows the first "act" you can see the green areas we intend to release for alpha are about 3x the volume of the original map from the first state of the game address. Plus, you can see the new levels look tight and represent a continuous, completed area as opposed to the chaotic mix of crap on the old map.

It is clocking at around 2-3 hours for someone who knows the levels and plays relatively straight through, skipping all the side content. Doing that you wind up finishing around level 11-13. An average play-through for someone who didn't know where they were going and explored a bit more would probably be 4-5 hours and reach level 13-16. To clear everything could probably take 6-8 hours, maybe more.

Immagine inserita

So the levels we intend to release in alpha are pretty much finished! Note that there is a lot of additional world area but that image just shows what we have ready for alpha as compared to what we previously had. I'm starting to think we may be making Grim Dawn too big! At least, bigger than we had originally intended. Instead of 10-15 hours for final release, we may end up closer to 20+.

While world development for alpha is pretty much complete, there are still a number of things we're trying to wrap up. Those include skill masteries (of which we have 5 nearly finished as opposed to the 3 we originally expected to release alpha with), story stuff, some crash bugs, finishing the act-1 boss and getting a first-pass balance on everything. Plus there are also just a bunch of little stupid things like fixing the teleport map. We also had thought we might have to release alpha without a female PC but we're well on the way to getting her in-game now - we've got female versions of all the equipment done and just need to finish skinning them so they'll animate. We're not far off now though.

Here is a detailed run-down of some of the more critical aspects of the game...

We have 2 masteries (soldier and demolition) that are about 99% done, occultist is about 90% done and nightblade and arcanist are around 75% done. We're at the point where we're just swapping skills in and out, trying to figure out how to achieve a really good feeling, cohesive gameplay style for each. Since most of the early skills are done, we don't need to do much more here for alpha.

In the last state of the game address, we only had 15 enemies in-game and 20 models. We now have 25 in-game, each with multiple variants and a total of 33 finished models.

We have 3 quest mini-bosses in and, where we had 0 hero monsters, we now have 115! custom designed heroes.

All the enemies that are going to be in the alpha are finished except for the end-boss, which we plan to complete in the next couple months.

We've significantly expanded our common loot and are currently finishing up revisions that were undertaken to create a more distinct visual progression and provide more diverse looking gear.

We have over 200 randomized affixes for common gear now including some rare and newly added epic ones that can attach unique skills to items.

We've created 63 "components", which are like relics / charms in TQ. I think they have cooler bonuses this time around, will remain useful longer and we've also introduced a higher level tier of rare legendary components. One of our artists is currently churning out all the inventory icons for these and they're looking very cool.

In the last state of the game address we had only a couple "prototype" unique items in-game. Now we have 98 unique items for levels 10-30 hooked up in-game and just awaiting art. Art is starting to roll out for those as you've seen in some of our recent updates.

Here is a little peak at the matrix-style level we use to verify all the items are working / the art is plugged in. The top is common items and the bottom is uniques. Note that some of the items don't have unique art yet even though they've been configured and hooked up in-game. The equipment art is often one of the last things to get plugged in since we can get the design done and working in-game without unique art.

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Story / Quest
Last time we had no quests in-game and the new quest creation tools were lacking important functionality. We've had a designer dedicated to quest work and he's helped our programmers get the tools up to speed and is now working to wrap up the alpha quests. I think we have about 10 quests mostly in now and are just trying to refine them and work out some bugs.

A related issue we've been tackling recently is getting doors working so that we can have secret doors and also doors that are locked until you kill bosses or complete quests. For example, we have it set up now so that you begin outside the prison and the Devil's Crossing survivors won't give you access inside where most of the refugees live until you've proven yourself.

Generally the state of the game is improving. Pathing has gotten much better and a lot of annoying bugs have been squashed. Ragdoll is still acting a little funky, in terms of enemy bodies occasionally going berserk but that doesn't interfere with gameplay, just looks terrible. Often it is possible to play for an hour or more without encountering a major bug / crash. There is one new one that is occurring more frequently but we should have that resolved soon. Leading up to alpha, the programmers will be putting in more effort on big-fixing to get things to a point where players can generally play for an a couple hours or more without encountering any major issues. Of course, once we have several thousand people playing the game on different systems, I'm sure more bugs will come to light but, hey, isn't that the point of alpha?

Alpha Release
It looks like alpha is taking a little longer than we predicted in the last state of the game address but it is still within the late 2012 / early 2013 time-frame that we've been saying for a long time - just, obviously on the 2013 side.

Creating and running the KS took more of my own time than I would have expected and that set my work back by a month or two. It was totally worth it though because the guys we hired have produced a ton of additional content that we wouldn't have now otherwise and, overall, the game has improved dramatically. More importantly, the trade-off is that it will be easier to get to the final release. Before the KS, I thought we could push out alpha by about now but I had no idea how long it was going to take to finish the game. Now I think we're in good shape for a final release in latter half of 2013.

It is pretty surreal that we're actually nearing a release. I've been working on Grim Dawn for so long now and in the first year or two it didn't even feel real that what I was doing was achievable. I felt like it could be done if some things that were uncertain at the time worked out in our favor but it was such an ambitious project for such a small group of mostly part-time people that doubts often kept me awake at night. I wondered if I was wasting precious years of my career chasing a dream that might never be realized? So now, to finally be rounding he corner to alpha, it is difficult to believe that is is really happening. I can't wait for you all to play the game but, at the same time, it is also a little terrifying. Immagine inserita


  • scatolette next gen? Superiori ai Pc di fascia Altissima.

  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • Gruppo: Bannati
  • Messaggi: : 4798
Info al riguardo dei componenti per la customizzazione del proprio equip - trovate tutto il resto e relative immagini qua

Now that you are up to speed, you might have caught note of the small section on components. If it got you excited, then you are in for a treat! With 63 components in-game and ready for looting, that is quite a variety for customizing your gear. Of those 63, seventeen are of epic quality and reflect that both in stats and drop rate. Let us dive into the virtual Grim Dawn shopping mall.

Disclaimer: the following names, stats, values, and requirements are work in progress and may not reflect the final product.

The Component Aisle

Grim Mall (not a real place, sorry) carries everything an adventurer needs for his adventuring life, from sharp sticks to venomous fangs. Aisle 666, or the components aisle, displays our finest collection of common and rare fragments intended for the augmentation of proprietary hero defense armament accessories (PHDAA’s...or Armor and Weapons for the uninitiated).

Components vary in size from 3 to 8 fragments. Upon completion, a component will gain a random bonus. These bonuses are drawn from several tables and different component types will generate different perks (such as bonus Offensive Ability on a weapon component or bonus Health on an armor component). Though each component is restricted to specific gear slots, almost all item types will support them so you can get creative in your preferred combination.

An issue we wished to address with our design for components was the disappointing transition that occurred between tiers of socketables, wherein the previous tier would start to feel like a waste of time and inventory space. Instead, we have an initially larger pool of components balanced to remain appealing through a significant range of levels. With that in mind, there will be no Normal/Epic/Legendary variants; but I hear rumors about rare crafting schematics that use the core component set to create powerful new variants.

All updates must come to an end, but this one will carry on with you! Take a look at the second screenshot. Let us know which icons really tease your curiosity (B2 or is it C5?) and I will reveal a couple more tooltips over the next week. Another update is coming at you in just two weeks’ time. Check back on 12/16/12!

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